- State Government has an important and legitimate role in Public Land Planning and Management
- Political leadership is important to maximize that role
- State Trust Land Exchanges are an important vehicle
- Balance in finding solutions is the key
- Partnerships, collaboration – working together
- State should help local government in public lands planning
- The process of collaboration is critical to any resolution of public lands issues.
The process itself is clearly important and involvement in that process is also critical. It is vital to include a broad-based steering committee and representative leadership. The significant transparency and lack of predetermined outcomes or agendas are critical.
- Those involved must leave their self interest at the door and work in a way that is best for the region.
- Tough issues always arise; focusing on the big picture and the long term is vital. Set aside decisions about individual projects for future times. Decisions about individual projects generally cannot be made in a visioning process; but the principles from visioning can help guide those decisions later.
- Treating everyone fairly is important.